Dolços Alemany

C/ Sant Josep, 19, Amposta,
Tarragona, España

(+34) 977 70 00 67

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autèntiques i artesanals


A Dolços Alemany 1912 elaborem pastissos amb cura i atenció als detalls, tant en format gran com individuals.

Ja sigui per a una celebració especial o un moment de temptació, tenim la creació perfecta per a tu.

Cada mos serà un plaer per als sentits, transportant-te a un món de sabors irresistibles i textures esponjoses.


Si busques una experiència més salada, a Dolços Alemany 1912 també hem pensat en tu.

Et convidem a provar la nostra selecció de pastes salades, des de croissants amb pernil i formatge fins a les nostres famoses pizzes, cada mos serà una explosió de sabor que et farà salivar.


A Dolços Alemany 1912 t’oferim una exquisida selecció de productes de brioixeria per satisfer tots els teus desitjos. Un deliciós exemple són els New York Rolls, uns rotllets de pasta de croissant farcits amb crema procedents de la Gran Poma que arrasen a les xarxes socials.

Cada delícia treballada amb tendresa és una obra d’art que et farà tornar a per més. Et garantim que els nostres farcits cremosos t’oferiran una experiència gustativa sensacional.

Smoothies, frappés i sucs naturals

Si busqueu un refresc revitalitzant i pur, heu arribat al lloc adequat. Amb una gran varietat de sabors deliciosos i nutritius, els nostres smoothies són una explosió de frescor i sabor en cada gota.

Plens de vitamines, minerals i antioxidants, us ajudaran a mantenir-vos hidratats. Per a una experiència més cremosa lliure de colorants artificials, additius i conservants, els nostres frappés frescos i elaborats amb ingredients naturals us portaran al paradís dels sabors.

Productes artesanals smoothies

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

Bamboo furniture can withstand everyday use. It is far more resistant to damage than traditional hardwoods. Bamboo is even used in cutting boards for this reason; it can take the beating of repeated knife use and still remain beautiful, and bamboo is gentler on knife blades than other woods. This comes in handy if you are plan on giving a bamboo chair a good deal of use

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